Decompiling WASM


The Problem

Have you ever looked at WASM decompiled code using wasm2c from wabt toolkit and thought, “there has to be a better way”? While WASM’s instruction set keeps things simple (except for those vectors and floating-point numbers!), the stack machine design can sometimes lead to less-than-optimal code after decompilation.

Take a look at this code snippet: (taken from revsite2 challenge LITCTF 2024)

static void w2c_visit_ad(Z_revsite2_instance_t* instance) {
  // [SNIP]
  /* push rbp */
  /* mov rbp, rsp */
  u32 w2c_i0, w2c_i1, w2c_i2;
  u64 w2c_j0, w2c_j1;
  w2c_i0 = instance->w2c_g0;
  w2c_l0 = w2c_i0;
  /* sub rsp, N */
  w2c_i0 = 2048u;
  w2c_l1 = w2c_i0;
  w2c_i0 = w2c_l0;
  w2c_i1 = w2c_l1;
  w2c_i0 -= w2c_i1;
  w2c_l2 = w2c_i0;
  w2c_i0 = w2c_l2;
  instance->w2c_g0 = w2c_i0;
  // [SNIP]

This might look familiar if you’ve dabbled in C/C++ before. It’s just a standard function prologue, but thanks to WASM’s design, it ends up a bit bloated. What could potentially be a single instruction gets broken down into multiple steps. It’s readable, sure, but not exactly optimized.

The Compiler’s Magic Touch

This is where the beauty of compilers comes in. Just like with any other code, we can use tools like gcc or clang with their handy -O flag to optimize our C code from WASM decompiler.

pacman -S wabt
# convert wasm to c with wabt toolkit wasm2c
wasm2c file.wasm -o file.c
# wasm-c runtime api
git clone
# -O3 max optimization, -g include wasm2c structs, wasm-rt-impl for default wasm runtime implementations
gcc -g \
    -O3 \
    -I ./wasm-c-api/include \
    -I . \
    -I /usr/share/wabt/wasm2c \
    /usr/share/wabt/wasm2c/wasm-rt-impl.c \

and after loading the compiled binary to IDA, we get a very clean and optimized output.

void __fastcall Z_revsite2Z_visit_ad(Z_revsite2_instance_t *instance)
  // [SNIP]
  rbp = instance->w2c_g0;
  rsp = rbp - 2048;
  instance->w2c_g0 = rsp;
  *&instance->[rsp + 2040] = *(&score + instance-> + 123456789;
  if ( *(&chksum + instance-> == *&instance->[rsp + 2040] )
    ++*(&chksum + instance->;
    *(&chksum2 + instance-> += 3
                                             * *(&score + instance->
                                             * *(&score + instance->
                                             + 5 * *(&score + instance->
                                             + 3;
    *(&key + instance-> += 3
  // [SNIP]